June 22nd Images

A photo I took of birds outside of a church in Ecuador




Bath Time


Before & After 63 years


For Sale Dishwasher's Uniform


Fuck the police


Great invention.


Haunted by the past


I asked her if she wanted to see my one-eyed hog in his birthday suit. She called me a pervert before I had a chance to show her.


If you do this I probably hate you


If you drive like this for 30 minutes, fuck you


Record player


Room for gaming


Scumbag Supermarket.




Summer delight


Television Sorcery


That red dot.


The Ultimate Beer Bottle Opener


These are real tattoos - incredible painterly technique.


This guy was haulin' ass.


We had no clue they were back there.


Well let's just try it.


As always, Reddit is credit to internet!

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