May 27th Images Posted on May 27, 2011 by Cody Rapol A fire vortex. Because tornadoes just aren't scary enough on their own. After recently being dumped by my girlfriend, I set this as my phone background for those drunken nights. Anyone else do this religiously Definitely NOT shopped Devious Vampire..... Glass bathtub Glassed Winged Butterfly He seems legit. If I showed 10 year old me this Nintendo Power I would beat up 22 year old me for making shit up I'm pretty sure we've all been guilty of this before... Is this creepy Is this not a the most crееpy potato bag ever It's cool, Comcast, just put that anywhere. Light Fantastic Lost a lot of friends because of this guy. Mushroom cloud Mushrooms My friend wanted to buy this handbag, I said it looked like Predator, she doesn't want it anymore officially the saddest google image search ever. Originator of the douchebag look... Saw this on the way home from work yesterday... So I made a friend a card for her birthday Stop Being Afraid This building looks like a bird in a top hat. This is a duck We've come a long way What Happened When its cold my kitten like to sleep on the modem. Reddit is credit to internet!