Dog saves all her puppies from a house fire, and put them to safety in one of firetrucks
Earth, Jupiter and Venus from the skyline of Mars
Epic floor.
Got bored one night and messed around with some halloween makeup.
Made this for a friend’s wedding gift.
My best friend’s (un)fortunate tattoo….
Nothing left but public humiliation
so the girlfriend and i got some Chinese food the other day and checked our fortunes…
A simple 'no' wouldn't suffice
Because of this and a little alcohol, I just watched the police break up a domestic dispute between two of my 26 year old friends.
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Edition Revealed!
Cupcakes for my fellow gamers
Found at a Goodwill for $5.
Fuck You Bowser
Good Guy Diablo
I've been playing for 5 mins!
My Harley Quinn costume for MCM London Comic Con 2012
No explanation needed
That didn't take long
The wonderful logic of Bethesda
Toilet break
As an adult, I can confirm this is all too true.
Dear developers, this is why you should make your games moddable.
Dear HP, who thought this was a fucking good idea
Diablo III servers
Don't judge me, you smug little shit.
Found the culprit!
Found this on Diablo 3 forums in the emergency maintenance post.
Got this instead of a replacement Ti-84 SE, My math class is going to be fun
Guy sent me this message, reason why we lost
I wanted to get myself a nostalgic gift. The best $10 at a garage sale I've ever spent.
I'm so happy
It's clear we have our priorities in order...
She is one evil woman. And yes, she opened the box.
State of gaming right now
We may have remembered Max Payne 3, but...
A mountain during sunrise. This photo has not been edited.
I Surrender to Sleep...
I'm done with the History Channel...
More parking lots should look like this
My dog loves to kiss our Kois
Neil Patrick Harris and Stephen Colbert
One of the best wave photos I've seen...
President Kennedy and wife. I will never be this cool
Solo and the Wookiee
Sometimes it's nice to remember that there is still a little peace left in the world...
Those Swan rides start to make a lot more sense now...