Andrea Miller’s Welcome Home Party

First things first, we watched this video before we left.

Then we went to Athens and got things to eat and drink, and watched a little Black Dynamite. (Shhhh You’ll wake up the other bitches)

Keeshia thought it best to make a pizza early.

It was time to take it out of the oven.  So I helped.

These two were looking for booty.

Then we all got together for a picture.

Then some Dirty Dancin happened.

Matt would not drink water.


Then Charlie and his angels showed up.

Then it was black light time.

We had a pushup war.

She needed to sit down to cook her food.

Then Heather made a bridge.


Drinks :P


Then Mandy came late :) but no Andy:(


Then the party started to die down, around 4:30 :P

Pizza time

Eyes what?

Time to go

But wait that is not the only good thing that came in a night, Keeshia also got a hat :)


Happy Cinco de Mayo

I thought we were going to go get pizza when I was going down to Athens, but when I got there, this face greeted me and said it was Cinco de Mayo and we were going to a Mexican restaurant, my favorite!


Everyone was pretty much ready for food as you can tell.


We ate and had a good time, but no one took the camera out to get any pictures :/

The guy also started giving back a ton more money than he should have when we paid, but they said something so they didn’t cheat the place… if it happened to me I would have taken the money and ran :).

Then Heather returned muddy shoes :P

Then we went into party mode.

Matt went into penis touch mode.

This is Heather breaking her back while dancing, she had so much soul :)


Then Kay bitched out on us, and Matt, Heather, Keeshia, and I all walked to the bar(s).  It was a long walk, some of us got tired.

Then we met an old man, I got a few pictures with him and danced.

Then this happened…

and then the night was over… one more dance though.


Then it was the morning.

We all had a great time :P

Next week we are going down to hang out with Heather again, and our friend Andrea will be there.

New pictures and shattered ear drums next week :).




End of April Fun Time in Athens

We’ve gone to Athens many times and we normally have a great time, but this time there was something different about it. Could it be the weather? Nope, still just as cold as the Arctic. Keeshia’s new car? Nope, she didn’t get one(but her mileage is on 1337 for the first 4 numbers right now). The fact that I was the only guy this time. No again. I have a small pocket camera again, so that can only mean one thing, cookies! No, I mean pictures!

First off, America

OK moving on to the interesting pictures then :P

The drive was no that long, but Keeshia was getting tired of me taking advantage of having a camera once again.

She did not want her picture taken.
She did not want her picture taken.

So we made it to Athens all in One Piece and Kay wanted to play some Tetris before we ate, but we were all so hungry it didn’t last long.

I'm not ready to eat... I want to play more Tetris.
I’m not ready to eat… I want to play more Tetris.

So Heather sent her friend a text to let her know we were going to go eat now.  But her friend thought we were coming to pick her up and take her to the food distribution area, the plot thickens.  We get there and Heather sends a text letting her know of our arrival, her friend finds out she must fend for herself until she makes it to the rest of the tribe.  So we ordered water while waiting, and then lost the waitress for 22 mins, but look who we did find.

We're on our way. We're there... Fuck!
We’re on our way. We’re there… Fuck!

It was Heather’s friend, Alicia McGuire(little hippie chick :P)

Then since we knew the waitress was fighting hordes of rats in the kitchen(why else would she take so long) we decided it was picture time with one another.

Keeshia Mcdonald and Heather Smith ready for food.
Keeshia Mcdonald and Heather Smith ready for food.
Keeshia went into shock when she found out that Arrested Development was actually canceled
Keeshia went into shock when she found out that Arrested Development was actually canceled

The waitress returned from her great battle and brought us back some of the spoils, but she didn’t bring the right thing for Alicia.  These were her Nachos

These are not Nachos
These are not Nachos

And this was how it made her feel.

Look at this food's small penis look.
Look at this food’s small penis look.

We told the waitress about the mishap, and she told us if we wanted the Nachos that we would have to pay for them.


We talked to a guy who was higher up and he got Alicia her nachos.  All was good, except for the fact that they messed up Keeshia’s order too.  How the hell are you going to eat with no tomatoes?  We got up to leave that place.

Keeshia Mcdonald looks sad as she leaves after a messed up meal
Keeshia Mcdonald looks sad as she leaves after a messed up meal

Then it was time to go back :P

Heading Home
Heading Home
It was a 4 mile ride, I needed to sit down for a bit.
It was a 4 mile ride, I needed to sit down for a bit.

Drinks anyone?

Everyone was ready to drink, and had good things, except for Mikaila, who had 2 dollar malt pukeage
Everyone was ready to drink, and had good things, except for Mikaila, who had 2 dollar malt pukeage

Now it was party time :)

Mikaila showing her 5 dollar foot long.
Mikaila showing her 5 dollar foot long.
It's really tan, look at it.
It’s really tan, look at it.


Norman...Reminds me of Norman.
Norman…Reminds me of Norman.
But if I eat the eggs now, the poor little Reese babies will never be able to grow up and lay little Reese eggs of their own.
But if I eat the eggs now, the poor little Reese babies will never be able to grow up and lay little Reese eggs of their own.

Clearly touching my ass
Clearly touching my ass

You are retarded. You're lucky you have a vagina...Oh wait.
You are retarded. You’re lucky you have a vagina…Oh wait.

The wall will totally buy you a drink.
The wall will totally buy you a drink.
We'll give them the pow wow special treatment.
We’ll give them the pow wow special treatment.
In terms of a dance party, I would have to say this one is your toes look like cookie dough!
In terms of a dance party, I would have to say this one is your toes look like cookie dough!
I has a kiss
I has a kiss
In public?
In public?
Heather Says "It looks like a weeny"
Heather Says “It looks like a weeny”

Where the fuck is Mandy at?
Where the fuck is Mandy at?
Joe Dirt Bitches
Joe Dirt Bitches
Cody Rapol and Mikaila Mcdonald approve of charging people a lot of money for drinks
Cody Rapol and Mikaila Mcdonald approve of charging people a lot of money for drinks
I hate facebook, but everyone said this has to be my profile picture.
I hate facebook, but everyone said this has to be my profile picture.
Just look at those moves, the judges are amazed.
Just look at those moves, the judges are amazed.

Party over time :(

Then we woke up and it was time for Heather to go to class and teach her little ones.

I don't freaking believe it, she was not ready for the camera.
I don’t freaking believe it, she was not ready for the camera.

Keeshia and I then packed up to head back to Zanesville.

All packed up and ready to head home.
All packed up and ready to head home.

Stopped off really quick at Wal*Mart, that was profitable :).

Then I ate some soup, and that was good.

Until next time.
