My arm pits are getting scaryly(is that a word? Fuck it, it is now) hairy. What is wrong with me, I used to keep them so well shaved, I think it’s due to working out, the man juices are flowing into me, hey look a penny, nope no time to pick that up, it does not weigh enough, now a quarter, that is where it’s at. Yes, so a shave is in order, I manscape quite often, I don’t really want to wake up and look like Rob Williams back someday(ewwww).
I’ve been reading a lot, just finished this light novel today:
It’s pretty good, you don’t even have to like anime to enjoy it, though you might want to keep an open mind, towards the end it get’s into the “Fuck was dat shit”.
Had an enjoyable end of a week with a certain gal, I’d upload a few pictures of what we did but you know, no camera(at the time)
Sick again fmndsnbvdfiugsduiofnmousdrguid….wait I mean sick still mfjesnfjinfuiesnfuisenfusern
“It’s just a life…Make it interesting”